
Brazil: a hidden paradise

I must be carefull when I say something about Brazil. A friend from Venezuela is listening what I will say. If I will explain about brazilian beaches, or just about the beauty of our woman. Why? The Miss Universe is from Venezuela. Well, I'm safe, because I will tell you why Brazil is the best place in the world. First of all, our diversity is incredible: there are a lot of immigrants from Europe. Our country maintain its original characteristics.

If you go to North Brazil, you can find a fascinating wild also called the heart of world. There you can eat specific dishes like açaí, cupuaçu, and mangaba, for example. If you go to the middle south, there are some interesting things to do. Big cities as São Paulo, Goiânia, and Rio de Janeiro are prepared to give you a good experience. I recommend to enjoy the night. Finally, go down to South Brazil, a undiscovered paradise, hidden in a small slice of land. I like South Brazil, because I was born there. Some places are similarly with Europe. There are a lot of European immigrants in South Brazil. Generally, the cities are small; but well cleaned. Please, before you go yo your country again, don't miss to visit Florianópolis, the capitol of Santa Catarina. It's a magic land, also called as magic's island. There are 40 different beaches where you can enjoy your time. Do I need talk more about Brazil? Really not. I think this is sufficient.


All you can know know about me, at least, the most part you can know

I was born in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state. Curiously, it was just my origin city; but I have lived nexto to Florianopolis, the capitol of Santa Catarina. My parents are from different cities: my mom from Sao Sepe; Rio Grande do Sul, and my father from Laguna; a city of Santa Catarina. There are funny things in their accent. The “r”, and the different words used for the same things are some examples. My mother, Liege, is my boss most of the time. She corrects me, and uses her advices to help in important decisions making. Though, my father is a pacifist, and very quiet. I know I can tell him whenever I want to. He’s my partner all the time.

I never imagined to be in United States. I studied in public schools, and paid my two years of Journalism working during my vacations. You must be asking: why did you decide to come to Richmond? God gave an opportunity, and I embraced it. Currently, I work as a missionary student, and sometimes I write as a freelancer journalist for different media masses.


Amazing Richmond!

Who did say that Richmond is tedious? Sincerely, I can't think so. I'm loving my time, and my life in United States have been enjoyable. Unless you think in different way. But, I'll disagree with you. I am enjoying Richmond at maximum I can do. There are a lot of things to do here. If you like parks, you can see different styles of grounds on Maymont Park: Chinese, Japanese, and Italian gardens are some examples. Besides that, its city was the first capitol of South during War Secession, while Washington D.C was the North Capitol. I love Richmond. I live in a quiet neighborhood, near to Midlothian Turnpike. In few minutes I have access to main roads of nearest counties. There are parks where we can play our favorite game, in my case, all you know, I play soccer, and everything more. You must use you creativity. The best part to me is the English classes at ACDC High School. The teachers are very prepared to teach. Well, see you next time.


Oooops, our teacher is observing us!

Take care, buddies! Our teacher is observing us. You are afraid about that, aren't you? Take easy. It's good. When we type, there a lot of things that we can't see for many reasons: our difficulty, our poor vocabulary or just questions never answered before in our minds. Therefore, is necessary to have a capacitated helper. She knows what is better in some cases. Instead, I maintain my advice: keep writing correctly, and help me if I wrote a wrong word. Don't forget: our teacher is observing us!


Let me know you!

It is my first post at Leonardo Siqueira's blog. What will I say to you? Well, you are welcome. I couldn't use other word to describe what I feel when you, reader like me, agree or disagree with my thoughts. You can write articles, send ideas of reports, indicate other blogs or just to say hello. You are the reason of my essays, and I have written them especially to you! Without you, I can't write anything.

I believe we have an interesting opportunity during our journey among the English language mysteries: to know different ways to express what we feel and want. It is marvelous, doesn't it? Let discover together as friends and partners this indescribable world of communication. But I cannot do it alone. Let me know you!